Learn New Skills to Benefit Your Business

Stay engaged and relevant in a rapidly changing world, with our interesting and inspiring continuing education courses. Learn new concepts and unique ways of thinking. Courses are designed to benefit you, your patients, your teams and your business. Click on any of our free CE offerings below to learn more, and start earning CE credits today!

Keeping Controlled Substances Under Control

This session will cover background information about the opioid epidemic to provide perspective on why the regulations are in place, information about the prevalence and signs of in-hospital drug diversion, and cover appropriate precautions to avoid supplying controlled substances to drug-seeking clients.

Do You Have RATs in Your Network?

This webinar will provide a multi-pronged approach to cyber security, specifically tailored to the needs of veterinary practices, offering tangible strategies to safeguard your network against threats such as unsecured RATs, Remote Access Tools, which were one of the leading causes of security breaches in 2022.

You Are Worth More Than You Know! Using Psychology to Promote Team Confidence and Minimize Missed Charges

This presentation will explore the complex motivations behind intentional or subconscious missed charges, and propose solutions for motivating teams to recommend and bill accurately, according to the value of the expertise they provide.

How to Retain Your Employees During the “Great Resignation”

It has never been more difficult to keep employees than it is right now, particularly in the Animal Health industry and Veterinary profession. This webinar will highlight factors that lead to turnover, and practical steps practices can take to retain their valuable team members.

1 Hour RACE-Approved CE: How Making Mistakes Can Improve Your Business

How Making Mistakes Can Improve Your Business: Using Psychological Safety to Turn Mistakes into Wins

This course will help participants understand the concepts of psychological health and safety as it applies to making a mistake, how your mental health may be affected, and more.

Understanding the Climbing Cost of Veterinary Care

In this podcast, Dr. Jennifer Sperry, DVM and Brandon Howard discuss the reasons behind the climbing cost of veterinary care and how you can help to manage client expectations about costs to help them see the value of the products and services their pets need.

Why Pet Insurance?

During this webinar, we will explore how partnership and communication influences the care pets receive and introduce pet insurance as a solution to the price, cost and the value of care.

The Role of the Credentialed Vet Tech

This course will provide education on the process of accreditation in CVTEA programs. It will outline the types of institutions that offer degrees in veterinary technology and the types of degrees offered.

Veterinary Wellbeing: How to Support Yourself and Others

In this seminar, we will explore the most recent research around veterinary mental health and wellbeing. This discussion will include wellbeing resources currently available including tools that you can implement to promote wellbeing within the veterinary profession.

Tips for Fostering Teamwork and Positivity in Veterinary Teams

Learn the features of a toxic team dynamic and explore tools to foster a team attitude, promote participation and ownership in clinic success and harness the powerful influence of team positivity.

Create a Perfect Fit! How to Tailor Your Services to Your Clients’ Needs

This course will examine how to identify what clients value, and ways to create a tailored approach to create alignment and meet the needs of veterinary teams and pet owners.

Standing Out from the Crowd: The Right Way to Build Your Reputation and Personal Brand

In this webinar, learn how to grow your personal brand to become the candidate of choice for your dream job.

Connecting the Dots of Employee Retention: How to Create “Sticky” Hospitals for Veterinary Teams

A common challenge for veterinary hospitals is the inability to hire and retain team members. Explore ways clinics can retain their talented staff.

Finding Common Ground for the Common Good: How to Negotiate an Outcome That Benefits All

This course will provide you with the key tools for successful negotiations that will lead to win-win outcomes with clients and colleagues.

Ortho at Home: Supportive Solutions for Joint Issues

Dr. Looney and Dr. DeLomba discuss the use of bracing and nutraceuticals for orthopedic issues/injuries to support the return to normal activity while reducing pain and encouraging healing of tissue.

Speak the Same Language: Strategies to Help Clients Understand Recommendations

Learn strategies to help increase acceptance of clinical recommendations in veterinary hospitals.

Speaking the Right Words: How to Develop Conscious Conflict Skills

Foster mindful reactions to difficult discussions with easy-to-implement tools to help you speak the right words.

Are You Crispy? It’s Not Your Fault! The Myth Behind Burnout

Examine burnout: what it is, why it happens and what can be done to lessen this devastating occupational hazard.

Communicating the Cost of Care

Learn basic skills you and your teams need to help communicate more effectively with clients and build better relationships.

Telemedicine Communication Strategies for Success

Learn critical skills and best practices to help connect with clients and colleagues effectively in a virtual setting.

Three Ways to Help Your Clients Say Yes!

Why don’t clients say yes to clinical recommendations? This webinar examines the barriers to adherence in veterinary hospitals and strategies to enhance compliance.

Slow Down to Speed Up: How to Create Practice Efficiency

Learn about factors that drive hospital inefficiency and the solutions to help create effective hospital processes.

What a Pain in the Gut!

Learn how diagnostics and a team approach mindset can improve treatment options for horses with abdominal pain.

Understanding and Overcoming Client Economic Limitations

Tips and techniques on how to partner with your clients in order to manage financial expectations and overcome economic limitations.

Enhancing Hospital Performance With Pet Health Insurance

Discover why Pet Health Insurance should be your hospital’s top strategic priority.

Missed Charges: A Modern Approach to Revenue Capture

Veterinary practices are missing $100,000’s in fees each year due to unintentional neglect in charging clients for services actually performed! Hear ways to prevent this in your hospital.

Overcoming Barriers to Cost of Care Conversations

Discover 5 real-world barriers to cost of care conversations and learn how hospitals overcame them.

How to Implement New Hospital Initiatives

Discover 5 steps that help obtain team buy-in for new initiatives and create positive, sustainable change in your hospital.

How Does Proactively Educating Clients About Pet Health Insurance Impact Everyone?

Examine how educating pet owners about pet health insurance impacts people and pets.

A Prescription For Change

Gain knowledge about how production-based compensation structures impact hospital cultures and an alternative that promotes a culture of teamwork and collaboration, while still incentivizing associate veterinarians to grow hospital revenues and profits.

Talking Money with Veterinary Clients: Solution-based Strategies & Tactics

Designed to help veterinarians, and team members talk to clients about money in ways that can benefit their pets and the veterinary practice.

Making the Best Care for Pets Affordable

While advances in veterinary care are great for pets, they come at a price. How can veterinary teams empower pet owners to provide recommended care to their pets?

Pet Health Insurance – Separating the Facts from Fiction

Hear what pet owners and veterinarians really think about pet health insurance!

Practice Management in Uncertain Times

Crises test veterinary hospital teams in unimaginable ways; learn 5 techniques that will help your hospital survive and thrive when faced with the unexpected.